God is calling Immanuel Baptist Church to practice the radical, compassionate discipleship taught by Jesus Christ.


All are welcome at Immanuel Baptist Church! We seek to grow in God’s love together without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, special needs, political viewpoints, or theological perspectives. We celebrate God’s gifts and value diversity.



Lent is a period of contemplation and reflection that takes place for 40 days before Easter (not including Sundays). Lent is reminiscent of the 40 days that Jesus wandered in the wilderness following his baptism. This liturgical season calls all of us to examine our relationship with God and others, committing ourselves anew to the journey and the discipline of faith.

Lent begins with Ash Wednesday when we impose ashes on our foreheads as an entry into this sacred time of year. We remember that we come from dust and to dust we will return. Traditionally these ashes are the burnt remnants of the palm leaves from the previous year’s Palm Sunday. Just as the imposition of ashes reminds us of the completeness of the human life cycle, turning last year’s palms into this year’s ashes reminds us of the completeness of the liturgical calendar.

Lenten Cross – Artwork by Charles Businaro


The mission of Immanuel Baptist Church is to share the good news of Jesus Christ, deepen our love for God and others, fully engage our neighbor, and wholeheartedly serve those on the margins of society.

We seek to live out the meaning of our name, Immanuel, “God with Us.”


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