Congregational Leadership

Governed By Members



The members forming the congregation of the church are the decision-making authority of the church.

Immanuel Baptist Church accepts all Christians who desire to unite with this church, fulfill the command and calling of Jesus to share the Gospel and to love one another, and demonstrate their commitment to follow Jesus through a public profession of faith followed by immersion baptism, transfer of membership from another Baptist church, statement of previous Christian experience accompanied by baptism in any form.

Only church members may vote in church business meetings; serve as officers of the church; serve as coordinators for church committees; serve as directors of church programs, ministries, or organizations; serve as lead teachers in a church program, ministry, or organization; or officially represent the congregation among any group outside the congregation. Members are expected to support the church by personal and prayerful participation in the life of the congregation, by service and ministry with and to fellow participants, by financial support of the church’s budget, by extending invitations to others to participate in the life of the congregation, and by living as Christian examples who embody the church covenant in their personal lives.



The Baptist principle of the priesthood of all believers embraces vital lay leadership. Immanuel provides opportunities for lay leadership through Christian education and participation in committees. The work of committees allows church members and committed nonmembers to serve effectively in carrying out the mission of the church by sharing their gifts and by both ministering to the church and by serving outside the church.


  • Bereavement

  • Buildings and Grounds

  • Committee on Committees

  • Committee on Deacons

  • Decoration

  • Denominational Relations

  • Education Enlistment

  • Food Services and Social Activities

  • Lord's Supper

  • Missions and Ministry

  • Outreach and Welcome

  • Personnel

  • Polity and Procedures

  • Preschool and Children

  • Sound

  • Stewardship

  • Transportation

  • Ushers

  • Worship

  • Youth



Deacons are servants of Christ and of the church. In their role as servants, deacons assist the church in the accomplishment of its total mission. In conjunction with the pastor and staff, deacons serve with the goal of guiding the church and its members in worship, in service and ministry, and in effective use of the church’s personal and corporate resources. Deacons serve as advisors to the congregation, pastor, and staff in all areas of the church’s life. They shall plan, review, evaluate, and recommend to the congregation proposals for improving the effectiveness of the church’s worship, witness, education, ministry, and fellowship.


The pastor shall be the spiritual leader of the church, and his/her responsibilities shall be those set forth by the church. The pastor or his/her designee shall preside at all business meetings of the church. (Refer to Personnel Manual.)

The pastor is responsible to the congregation for the pastoral ministry of the church including the following tasks: (1) proclaim the gospel (2) lead the church in the achievement of its mission, and (3) care for the church's members and other persons in the community.

The associate pastor, with the cooperation of church leaders, is responsible for giving creative and effective leadership to the membership of Immanuel Baptist Church and the community. It is expected that he/she will work closely with other staff in coordinating his/her areas of responsibilities with other church programs.