Immanuel Library

The Immanuel Baptist Church Library is a vital ministry of the church. The purpose of the library is to serve all people within the scope and influence of the church, members as well as non-members, adults as well as youth and children.
Library Catalog
Our library operates on a check-out system and January of 2021 has brought a welcome change. The library is now automated so that patrons can search the library catalog online! Patrons can search by author, title, or keyword. You can also reserve a book or create a “book bag” – a list of books you would like to read.
Library Information
Location & Hours
The library is located on the first floor, across from the Fellowship Hall, which provides high visibility for use. Currently the library is open on Sunday morning before and after the worship service at 10:30am. When regular weekday events resume post-COVID interruption, the library will be open on Wednesday evening from 4:30pm–7:00pm. Also, when the church office is open during the week, access to the library is available.
Diverse Collection
The library collection consists of approximately 2500 books and some DVDs. Books are available for preschoolers, younger children and juvenile readers. For adults, categories include fiction, biography, Bible study, devotional, prayer, Christian life, contemporary issues, house and garden, nature, sports, and history, especially Nashville and Tennessee history. Several large print books are also available. Many new books of fiction, biography and Christian living have been added recently. The library staff makes a concerted effort to acquire current books that appeal to the entire church family.
Online Catalog
The library is now automated so that patrons can search the library catalog online. Patrons can search by author, title, or keyword. They can also reserve a book or create a “book bag” (a list of books they would like to read). Those reserving a book can email and ask to have their choice waiting for them at the entrance to the church office. Pick-up can be arranged for Wednesday morning 9:00-12:00.
New options for receiving your items
Pickup & Delivery
Those reserving a book can email the library and ask to have their choice waiting for them at the entrance to the church office. Pick-up can be arranged for Wednesday morning 9:00am-12:00pm. Pastor Steven even delivers selections to our friends at home!
The library supports the IBC Book Club
Book Club
Check out book club recommended reading on the shelf across from the circulation desk. Topics range widely, including history, spiritual life, biography, theology, and fiction. Meetings are on the last Sunday of most months at 5pm (via Zoom).
Summer Readers 2019
Summer Reading
Annually the library sponsors a summer reading event for preschoolers and children during June and July. Children are encouraged to read three books a week or, for preschoolers, have books read to them. A bulletin board adjacent to the library highlights the participants and books read.
Online Catalog Features for Kids & their Families
KidZviZ - easy search feature designed for children with icons and graphics (from the main library search page, click on
small icon at top right for kids’ search interface).
Accelerated Reader Feature – find and make lists of book titles according to your child’s AR (Accelerated Reader) reading levels. Ask a librarian for help utilizing this recommended feature.