Holy Week and Easter 2022 at Immanuel
Once again, this year, the ministerial staff plus invited guests have written devotions to accompany your reflections for Holy Week. You can expect to receive devotions in your email inbox each morning of Holy Week beginning with Palm Sunday. For those who do not have email accounts, photo copies of the devotions will be mailed to you.
Holy Week commemorates the last week of Jesus’ life on earth. We begin Holy Week with Palm Sunday worship (April 10) when we remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem with a processional that includes banners and children carrying palms to the altar.
There will be no meal or program on Wednesday of this week, instead we will gather at 5pm on Maundy Thursday (April 14) to eat together and worship in the chapel at 6pm. The Maundy Thursday service will include a meditation and children’s time, special music, and the observance of the Lord’s Supper.
On Good Friday (April 15) we will gather around the columbarium at 6pm for a contemplative service to remember the death of Jesus, which will include the extinguishing of candles, the singing of hymns, and prayer. Participants are encouraged to bring a lawn chair and dress for comfort. In the event of rain, the service will be moved inside to the chapel. Electronic devotional materials will be distributed for those who cannot attend.
Easter Sunday (April 17) Christ is risen indeed! Sunday School at 9:15am. Worship at 10:30am. The Easter Egg Hunt will take place after worship on the front lawn. Guests are welcome!
A New Way of Flowering the Cross: on Easter Sunday this year plan to bring flowers from your home, a pack of bedding plants, or a pot of spring flowers to place at the base of the cross in the columbarium. Bring flowers as you come to Sunday School or worship and you are invited to gather around the columbarium cross for photos after worship. As we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior this season, we will also remember those in our church family who have gone before us in death. You may retrieve your potted plants late Sunday afternoon or on Monday. Thank you for joining in the celebration of Easter at Immanuel.
Artwork by member Charles Businaro