5th Sunday is April 30th

Since 2022, the IBC staff have been planning special times of worship for those months that include a 5th Sunday. The next such occasion is April 30th when we will meet outdoors for worship in creation around the columbarium (10:30am). Bring your lawn chairs as we meditate on our roles as caretakers of our patch of God’s world. Following worship, you are invited to picnic on the grounds (we ask that each household bring your own picnic).

That afternoon we welcome Kristian Klefstad from Belmont University for a piano concert at 4:00pm in the chapel. Kristian is known widely for his sensitive and virtuosic piano performance. He adds interest to his concerts by commenting on the music, adding insights for the listener. The concert is free and open to the public.


May Newsletter Now Available


Holy Week at IBC